I Am… I am the Bread of Life 2020-07-12Reuben MannJohn 6:25-40I Am... I am the Light of the World 2020-07-19Reuben MannJohn 8:12-20I Am... I Am! 2020-07-26Reuben MannJohn 8:48-59I Am... I am the Way the Truth and the Life 2020-08-02Reuben MannJohn 13:36-14:10I Am... I am the Gate 2020-08-09Nick Nelson-PiercyJohn 10:1-9I Am... I am the Resurrection and the Life 2020-08-16Chris PrestJohn 11:17-44I Am... I am the Vine 2020-08-23Bruce EvansJohn 15:1-8I Am... I am the Good Shepherd 2020-08-30Reuben MannJohn 10:11-21I Am...