People who met JesusSermons from the book of Luke.Summer 2022 (July 24th – August 28th) Jesus meets a sinner 2022-07-24Reuben MannLuke 7:36-50People who met Jesus Jesus meets a hypocrite 2022-07-31Reuben MannLuke 14:1-35; Luke 1:1-14:35People who met Jesus The Road to Emmaus 2022-08-07Graham HiltonLuke 24:13-35People who met Jesus Jesus meets a glad Samaritan 2022-08-14Reuben MannLuke 17:11-19People who met Jesus Jesus meets little children 2022-08-21Stephen BakerLuke 18:9-17People who met Jesus The Rich Young Ruler 2022-08-28Bruce EvansLuke 18:18-31People who met Jesus