Emmanuel Church operates a Child Protection Policy and is a member of the safeguarding charity ThirtyOne:Eight

Safeguarding Officer: Bruce Evans

Deputy Safeguarding Officer: Ruth Fleming

All of our staff & volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults are DBS-checked.

For more information please contact safeguarding@emmanuelmarlborough.org

Reporting Misconduct

Emmanuel Church seeks to reflect the character of God’s kingdom and to be a safe and secure place for all. Everyone ought to be free from harm and abuse; misconduct and criminality has no place amongst the congregation.

If you have concerns about something you have seen, heard or experienced then share it with a Church Officer or Member of Staff. What you say will be taken seriously and investigated in line with Church procedures.

  • Church Officers and Staff contact details are listed in the Church Directory.

If unable to speak with a Church Officer or Member of Staff member then call:

If in doubt speak out!

