Daniel Finding Jesus in the Lions' Den 2018-01-07Reuben MannPsalms 137:1-4; Jeremiah 25:12-15; Luke 22:42Daniel Who will be your King of Kings? 2018-01-14Reuben MannDaniel 1:1-21Daniel Someone worth dying for 2018-01-28Reuben MannDaniel 3:1-30Daniel God cuts down, and raises up 2018-02-04Reuben MannDaniel 4:1-37Daniel The Writing on the Wall 2018-02-11Bruce EvansDaniel 5:1-31Daniel How to keep going? 2018-02-18Reuben MannDaniel 6:1-28Daniel Who rules? 2018-02-25Reuben MannDaniel 7:1-28Daniel How to relate with the Most High? 2018-03-04Reuben MannDaniel 9:1-27Daniel What on earth is going to happen? 2018-03-25Reuben MannDaniel 11:1-12:13Daniel